Sunday, October 12, 2008

The pond takes shape

The first step in the new pond was shoveling a flat shelf more or less level around the perimeter and building up the dam at the far end. We decided on a pond liner because the water wasn't inclined to stay in the hole without it. First some old carpet underlay went in, to protect the rubber liner from any sharp stones underneath. Kind of a battle as water was flowing in at the same time, but three garden hoses siphoning it out as I worked did the trick. Next came the actual liner with a bit of guesswork as to size because as the water depth increases the liner is pressed tightly into every contour of the hole.

It filled up slowly over several hours while I pulled out the wrinkles and helped with the fit. Next day we went off to the beach for a load of flat rocks and then the fun part began, laying the rocks around the shelf perimeter to hold the edge of the liner in place.
You have to do the right kind of dance to settle the stones in place....
Its hard to get stopped with a new project that just keeps suggesting a next and a next step... There was a beautiful piece of flat sandstone we kept aside for a table top. A concrete pedestal that had been kicking about for a decade served as a base and an old bench landed in just the right spot for a cuppa tea by the pond. Now it needs some water plants...and some fish...and a house for the fish..........

Tess seems quite pleased with the new pondscape.


  1. I love your Tess, the swamp lady. What a great ideal she is. Also my youngest daughter is named Tessa, so you know I love the name too. I had a pond at my old home and so miss it. Some day I will make another. Have a great week.

  2. Thanks for your comment Grammy.....funny how a pile of earth and concrete can take on a personality of its own. When Im old(er)and senile they'll probably find me chatting with her, sipping our tea at the side of the pond.
