Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hammock making

I've been learning how to weave a hammock and I'm quite pleased with the way they are turning out.
Here's my first one in progress on the weaving frame up in my studio. Not much to it : 2 dowels and a 2x4 and a book of instructions. And a LOT of rope, 600 feet in one hammock!
At first it looks very confusing and I had to unravel a few rows when I caught my mistakes, but now I can weave and talk at the same time without any boo-boos.
This one is finished and hanging in the ceiling of Salty Dog Arts, our shop at the local wharf.
Its made of a soft non-cotton military cord, uv resistant and impervious to moisture. I opted not to use cotton as my research told me the squirrels like to chew it up for bedding.

The stretchers are 5 foot birch cut from the hillside behind our farm. They look beautiful finished with a few coats of linseed oil.

It's a cosy fit, designed for 2 adults.......
(Sigh... if we just had time to lie in it!)

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