Over the weekend
Good thing I had 3 petting friendly chickens to alternate or after 5 hours they would have had their feathers loved off! The funny question I kept getting, as a child would spot a hen on my lap, was "Is that a REAL chicken?"
Kids love chickens. They love to stroke their soft feathers, touch their beaks and toes with a fingertip, and sense their gentle natures. The entire afternoon they were lined up 6 deep, 10 deep, hordes and hordes of kids all wanting to touch. I began to notice faces I recognised, kids coming back a second and third time. I suppose for many or most it was their first encounter with real live friendly chickens.
Fancy, the rooster let off a cockle doodle doo every few minutes which startled and delighted and elicited fits of giggles.
So many inquisitive happy kids, I had a wonderful time.